Indexes selected articles arranged by date from October 1977
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1977 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Midland County-Budget County budget could zoom 16% 1 3-Oct-1977
Schools Area school kids seen as less troubled 1 3-Oct-1977
Foundations U.C.F. campaign open 3 3-Oct-1977
Midland-Wastewater Sewer project deferred 3 3-Oct-1977
Midland-Planning Comm "Proposed new signs" Boundary signs on display 1 4-Oct-1977
Crime Lagoon dragged in Arndt search 1 4-Oct-1977
Crime Arson determined as cause of Sanford fire 1 4-Oct-1977
MBS Airport Funds for airport up 1 4-Oct-1977
Beaverton Beaverton millage OK'd 1 4-Oct-1977
Schools Beaverton millage OK'd 1 4-Oct-1977
Delta College  Delta gets funds for adult training 3 4-Oct-1977
Schools How strong is parent interest in pupils? 3 4-Oct-1977
Nuclear Plant Utility called 'dishonest'   5-Oct-1977
Consumers Energy Utility called 'dishonest' 1 5-Oct-1977
Emergency Services Ambulance service earns praise 1 5-Oct-1977
Bullock Creek Schools Teachers walk out of Bullock Creek board meeting 3 5-Oct-1977
Schools Our school districts and their financing 3 5-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical  Dow opposes emergency body 1 6-Oct-1977
Health & Safety Health officials ponder jurisdiction 1 6-Oct-1977
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek talks to resume 1 6-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical  Thousands flee gas leak 1 7-Oct-1977
Midland County Rural use of DART low 1 7-Oct-1977
Midland Public Schools  Phones ring in school surveys 3 7-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical  Bad valve believed chlorine spill cause 1 8-Oct-1977
Nuclear Plant Utility optimistic on nuclear plant 1 8-Oct-1977
Consumers Energy Utility optimistic on nuclear plant 1 8-Oct-1977
Crime Body found, may be Mrs. Arndt 1 8-Oct-1977
Midland County Penner resigns his county post 1 8-Oct-1977
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVSC gets OK to prepare plans for heating plant 3 8-Oct-1977
Midland County-Sheriff CB'ers to organize Tuesday 3 8-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical  Chlorine spill, probe may end in citation 1 10-Oct-1977
Housing Manor gets  HUD grant 1 10-Oct-1977
Taxation Slash in county tax levy urged 1 10-Oct-1977
Midland County Slash in county tax levy urged 1 10-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Methanol rail car derails, catches fire 1 11-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Economic giant' Dow attacked by Jane Fonda 1 11-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Eight released 1 11-Oct-1977
Crime Police seek witness (Arndt "murder") 1 11-Oct-1977
Midland County DeWitt files for suit dismissal 1 11-Oct-1977
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Post's book editor speaks here Thursday 3 11-Oct-1977
Midland Public Schools  Midland school rolls drop by 300 3 11-Oct-1977
Midland Public Schools  Baker succeeds Wang 3 11-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Big reorganization announced by Dow 1 12-Oct-1977
Midland County-Commission Pay hike for Malec approved 1 12-Oct-1977
Schools School bus drivers talk about problems 3 12-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical DBCP skin contact may cause sterility 1 13-Oct-1977
Crime Arndt autopsy report awaited 1 13-Oct-1977
Foundations U.C.F. hits $610,037 3 13-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Dow, Shell defend actions 1 14-Oct-1977
Midland County Malec attorney: Board at fault 1 14-Oct-1977
Homer Township Homer volunteer fire unit trained for job 3 14-Oct-1977
Schools ISD millage defeat blamed on taxes 3 14-Oct-1977
Accidents Spill reveals flaws in emergency plans; one week later, still side effects 1 15-Oct-1977
Schools ISD must borrow money to meet bills 3 15-Oct-1977
Midland County County, union to bargain 1 17-Oct-1977
Unions County, union to bargain 1 17-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Communications seen as big handicap 1 18-Oct-1977
Bullock Creek Schools Teachers to picket at Bullock Creek board meeting 1 18-Oct-1977
Midland County-Sheriff Deputies close to splitting from USW 1 18-Oct-1977
Unions Deputies close to splitting from USW 1 18-Oct-1977
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Library aid handy with a knife 3 18-Oct-1977
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant pipe testing halted 3 18-Oct-1977
Health & Safety Cancer center helps patients and families 15 18-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Chlorine valve failed during repair -- Dow 1 19-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Dow third-quarter profits off; sales increase 1 19-Oct-1977
Schools Teachers boycott session 1 19-Oct-1977
Schools Hemlock voters defeat request of 3 new mills 1 19-Oct-1977
Schools Bullock Creek developing evacuation plan 3 19-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Disaster research center studies mishap 1 20-Oct-1977
Midland County-Commission Rowland, 3 deputies sued in federal court 1 20-Oct-1977
Midland County Township constable ranks thinning 3 20-Oct-1977
Delta College  Boycott falls flat 1 21-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical No conclusions yet in sterility testing here 1 21-Oct-1977
Midland County-Sheriff Deputies misled, says union head 1 21-Oct-1977
Unions Deputies misled, says union head 1 21-Oct-1977
Midland Area Chamber Chamber, officials debate spending 3 21-Oct-1977
Midland-City Council Council wages studied 3 21-Oct-1977
MBS Airport Airport criticized on security stand 3 21-Oct-1977
Environmental Protection Non-farm residents show PBB-related ills 1 24-Oct-1977
Hobbies Potato Lady' to retire for real 1 24-Oct-1977
Midland County-Sheriff Troopers role in spill disputed 1 24-Oct-1977
Midland Public Schools  Students talk to computer 3 24-Oct-1977
Midland County Rowland seeking counsel in suits 3 24-Oct-1977
Dow Corning  Dow Corning earnings up   25-Oct-1977
Nuclear Plant Ruling allows nuclear plant annexation 1 25-Oct-1977
Awards & Prizes Lifesaving feat wins citation for Midlander (Weckesser) 1 25-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Dow probes property threat 1 26-Oct-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Quiet for (Molter) trial sought 1 26-Oct-1977
Midland David Russell to retire 1 26-Oct-1977
Midland County County to foot Rowland defense 1 26-Oct-1977
Churches "Illegal" Latin mass to be said here 3 26-Oct-1977
Grace A. Dow Mem Library "Presidents on Review" exhibition 3 26-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Dow again rated #1 in world 1 27-Oct-1977
Dow Corning  Dow Corning buys contract lens firm 3 27-Oct-1977
Dow Corning  Truck spills silicone 1 28-Oct-1977
Environmental Protection No traces of PBB detected 1 28-Oct-1977
Nuclear Plant Intervenor bid denied 1 28-Oct-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Public foots bill for indigent felony cases 1 28-Oct-1977
MidMichigan Medical Center Hanes elected hospital board chairman 3 28-Oct-1977
Business New Al's Sports Shop sets grand opening 9 28-Oct-1977
Business Heiser opens photo service 9 28-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical DBCP banned 1 29-Oct-1977
Dow Chemical Fonda talk stirs Dow to stop CMU grants 1 29-Oct-1977
Central Mich University Fonda talk stirs Dow to stop CMU grants 1 29-Oct-1977
Events Halloween guide offered 1 29-Oct-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Attorneys view indigents 1 29-Oct-1977
Midland Area Chamber Collinson takes helm 3 29-Oct-1977
MBS Airport UAL begins Denver flight Sunday 3 29-Oct-1977