Indexes selected articles arranged by date from January 1977
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1977 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Dow Chemical Attorney General: nuclear plant inadequate 1 3-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Attorney General: nuclear plant inadequate 1 3-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission County board picks Ranck as chairman 3 3-Jan-1977
Environmental Protection He battles pollution far beyond the city (Eugen Kenaga) 3 3-Jan-1977
MBS Airport First non-stop flight to Boston 3 3-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow-USW talks begin 1 4-Jan-1977
Unions Dow-USW talks begin 1 4-Jan-1977
Business No coffee boycott here 1 4-Jan-1977
Midland-City Council City-county talks set 1 4-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission City-county talks set 1 4-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Gillespi sworn as judge 3 4-Jan-1977
Housing $278,500 grant sought for out-county housing 3 4-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission Council sessions on radio 3 4-Jan-1977
Midland County-Sheriff 7.8% wage increase accepted by deputies 3 4-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow plan still tied to nuclear plant 1 5-Jan-1977
Crime Landmark vandalized 1 5-Jan-1977
Emergency Services Road blocks threaten ambulance service 1 5-Jan-1977
Delta College  No bias at Delta, director reports 3 5-Jan-1977
Business Horsley's changes hands 3 5-Jan-1977
Charities & Benefits Midland generosity puts family on its feet 3 5-Jan-1977
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVSC teaches teachers to teach 3 5-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical David Rooke named Dow board member 1 6-Jan-1977
Health & Safety Flu program not dead: Dr. Paver 1 6-Jan-1977
Midland Center for the Arts  Free film series starting 3 6-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse County comes up with $950,000 courthouse plan 3 6-Jan-1977
Midland-City Council Consulting firm's retainer raised by city council 3 6-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Negotiations begin (photo) 1 7-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Nuclear charge may be decided 1 7-Jan-1977
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek warns ISD pullout 1 7-Jan-1977
Schools Bullock Creek warns ISD pullout 1 7-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Bargaining begins (photo) 3 7-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical EPA takes dim view of Dow plan 1 8-Jan-1977
Social Services  Welfare cutoff decision upset 1 8-Jan-1977
Weather Had enough snow? More could come 1 10-Jan-1977
Midland Public Schools  Students bused to closed schools 1 10-Jan-1977
Delta College  Delta offering G.E.D. tests 3 10-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant 10-15 day nuclear hearing proposed by intervenors 3 10-Jan-1977
Northwood University N.I. project recognized 7 10-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow-Bay strikers suffer reversal 1 11-Jan-1977
Midland Public Schools  Student decline predicted 1 11-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Special prosecutor sought 1 11-Jan-1977
Midland-Zoning Moose Lodge insists on flood plain site 3 11-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow, union both optimistic of pact 1 12-Jan-1977
Unions Dow, union both optimistic of pact 1 12-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Strike ruling set aside due to a clerical error 1 12-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Closed session to view Whipple 1 12-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission Closed session to view Whipple 1 12-Jan-1977
Consumers Energy "Would you please explain a typical residential G&E bill?" 3 12-Jan-1977
Environmental Protection Midlander to return for hearing on fishing 3 12-Jan-1977
Fish & Fishing Midlander to return for hearing on fishing 3 12-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Chicago nuclear hearings open Jan 18; schedule set 3 12-Jan-1977
Midland County-Sheriff Smith & Arbury file suit to collect back salaries 3 12-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow Chemicals derail at Grant 1 13-Jan-1977
Chippewa Nature Center  Survival rations going to birds 1 13-Jan-1977
Midland Midland evacuation readiness questioned 1 13-Jan-1977
Midland-Politics Private interviews banned 1 13-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission Whipple not entitled to county employment 1 13-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Midland 'safe' from nuclear attack 1 13-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical 12 new patents issued to Dow 3 13-Jan-1977
Foundations Community Fund to elect officers 3 13-Jan-1977
Postal Service Post Office probing racist newspapers 3 13-Jan-1977
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Grant received by Dow library 3 13-Jan-1977
Saginaw Valley State Univ 2-day SVSC meeting 3 13-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Milliken could appoint a judge within 3 weeks 1 14-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Mrs. Sinclair says nuclear problem ignored 3 14-Jan-1977
Midland-City Council Council tackles ice arena 3 15-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations History traced on Jaycees and origin Weekender 15-Jan-1977
Business Dow Credit Union hits $50 million asset mark 3 16-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Nuclear plant shut-down looms in 2 hearings 1 17-Jan-1977
Washington Woods  Washington Woods OK possible tonight 1 17-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow assignments told 3 17-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant showdown looms in 2 hearings 3 17-Jan-1977
Employment Midland jobless 8.7% 3 17-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Board will vote on rear addition to courthouse 3 17-Jan-1977
Midland Future of town meetings debated 1 18-Jan-1977
Weather Full power restored across Michigan 1 18-Jan-1977
Consumers Energy Full power restored across Michigan 1 18-Jan-1977
Washington Woods  Council OKs Washington Woods admission rules 3 18-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow gets tentative clean air reprieve 1 19-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Potential problems at nuclear plant admitted 1 19-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Appoint judge, but delay takeover, Milliken told 1 19-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations Jaycee's hear downtown beautification discussion 3 19-Jan-1977
Midland-Beautification Jaycee's hear downtown beautification discussion 3 19-Jan-1977
North Midland Family Center (?) Hammond heads Family Service 3 19-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations Michael McPeak picked for Jaycee award 3 19-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow letter lists shutdown option 1 20-Jan-1977
Chippewa Nature Center  National Park Service honors nature center 1 20-Jan-1977
Midland County-Courthouse Neophyte lawyer gets Smith case 1 20-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow indefinitely delays plans for California plant 3 20-Jan-1977
Foundations Community Fund hits goal: Mrs. Gerstacker elected 3 20-Jan-1977
Business New name for Killingbeek's 11 20-Jan-1977
Roads North Central sets new traffic mark 11 20-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Nuclear industry loses its advocate 16 20-Jan-1977
Events Ice Festival '77 set for March 17 20-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow ordered to remain in nuclear hearing 1 21-Jan-1977
Social Services  County won't fight state welfare edict 1 21-Jan-1977
Midland Center for the Arts  Dulcimers to ring out here Saturday 3 21-Jan-1977
Youth & Youth Services Youth Bureau is alive again 3 21-Jan-1977
Homer Township Initial plan OK'd for bridge in Homer 3 21-Jan-1977
Business Water's fine! Gals take biz plunge 6 21-Jan-1977
Nuclear Plant Need for nuclear plant challenged 1/1/1900 22-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations Jaycees give thanks to Rev Baumann 1 22-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Frozen coal no problem 1 24-Jan-1977
Midland Stoeri retiring 1 24-Jan-1977
Foundations Pardee awards $1,476,442 in 1976 3 24-Jan-1977
Midland-City Council Council to discuss downtown streets 3 24-Jan-1977
Midland Public Schools  Midland school meeting set 3 24-Jan-1977
Northwood University N.I. slates Winter Week 3 24-Jan-1977
Dow Corning  Dow Corning shows healthy '76 recovery 1 25-Jan-1977
Midland-Planning Comm Downtown traffic overhaul proposed 1 25-Jan-1977
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVSC president calls budget raise meager 3 25-Jan-1977
Consumers Energy Natural gas cut off to 17 firms; 7 in area  1 26-Jan-1977
Deaths Ex-county official dies (C.Z. Bailey) 1 26-Jan-1977
Schools Vocational skills center is going before voters 1 26-Jan-1977
Schools ISD vote February 8 1 26-Jan-1977
Chippewa Nature Center  Mott elected CNC president 3 26-Jan-1977
Midland-Zoning City planners review amendment on zoning 3 26-Jan-1977
Environmental Protection County SCD (Soil Conservation District) draws praise 3 26-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical U.S.W. president Abel to join in Dow talks 1 27-Jan-1977
Unions U.S.W. president Abel to join in Dow talks 1 27-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow studies Midland energy reductions 1 27-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Industry, Brown agree: permit hurdles too high 1 27-Jan-1977
Midland County-Commission Whipple job plan fails 1 27-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow not hindered by cold weather 3 27-Jan-1977
Foundations Strosacker awards $1,429,256 3 27-Jan-1977
Nursing Homes Nursing home's addition opening 3 27-Jan-1977
Veterans Vietnam vet's Vette leads to vocation 3 27-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Letters reveal Dow-Consumers mistrust 1 29-Jan-1977
Consumers Energy Letters reveal Dow-Consumers mistrust 1 29-Jan-1977
Dow Chemical Dow unhurt by cold 1 29-Jan-1977
Business $50,000 fine hits Central Glass ##### 29-Jan-1977
Dow Corning  Multi-national topic of Dow Corning official 3 29-Jan-1977
Midland  Area Chamber Chamber achievements for 1976 given in report 3 29-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations Wirth takes helm of Volunteer Unit 3 29-Jan-1977
Volunteers Wirth takes helm of Volunteer Unit 3 29-Jan-1977
Dow Corning Top research job to Speier (John L.) ##### 29-Jan-1977
Weather Drifting snow closes schools 1 31-Jan-1977
Midland County County plans PR committee 1 31-Jan-1977
Accidents M-20 wreck snags traffic 1 31-Jan-1977
Clubs & Organizations Junior Achievement names  Mr. & Miss Executive 3 31-Jan-1977
Midland-City Council Proposed Park on council agenda 3 31-Jan-1977
Midland $10,000 for aging unit 3 31-Jan-1977
Elections-State Democrats elect state delegates 3 31-Jan-1977
Northwood University Professor (Tamassy) extols culture 3 31-Jan-1977