Indexes selected articles arranged by date from July 1976
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1976 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Dow Chemical Town tribute urged to Herbert H. Dow 1 1-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools Disparity among sexes exist in schools 1 1-Jul-1976
Events Holiday '76 underway 3 1-Jul-1976
Consumers Energy High court to hear nuclear annexation suits 1 2-Jul-1976
Events Pageant, parade to highlight Holiday '76 3 2-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical When trouble calls, he answers 1 3-Jul-1976
Events Bells in Midland will mark new era (Bicentennial) 3 3-Jul-1976
Events School pageant recalls history (bicentennial) 3 3-Jul-1976
History Dows prospered and stayed 6 3-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools Board elects O'Hora 1 7-Jul-1976
Midland County-Courthouse $618,090 courthouse addition eyed 1 7-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Dow & Dow Corning cited 3 7-Jul-1976
Dow Corning Dow & Dow Corning cited 3 7-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools Woman's appointment a first (as coordinator of Health, P.E. & Athletics) 3 7-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools School board views budget 3 7-Jul-1976
Northwood University NI lists promotions 3 7-Jul-1976
Midland Comm Orchestra 1,200 laud tour-bound orchestra 1 8-Jul-1976
Business New industrial firm buys building, land 1 8-Jul-1976
Crime Suspect arson (home of Asst County Prosecutor, White) 1 8-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Dow rebuffed in west 1 9-Jul-1976
Housing Housing project bids $350,000 over estimate; Riverfront plan delayed 1 9-Jul-1976
Midland County-Parks Housing project bids $350,000 over estimate; Riverfront plan delayed 1 9-Jul-1976
Business Brochure deceptive, mother says (Greyhound Co.) 1 10-Jul-1976
Business Eastlawn getting new face 1 12-Jul-1976
Midland County-Courthouse No contempt action taken on Rapanos 1 12-Jul-1976
Midland County-Sheriff Seven candidates for sheriff office 3 12-Jul-1976
Business Mall hearing set August 9 3 13-Jul-1976
Midland-City Council Mall hearing set August 9 3 13-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Temple shamed state solar energy adviser 1 14-Jul-1976
MidMichigan Medical Center  Two hospitals share heart monitor system 1 14-Jul-1976
Wixom Lake Tax to fund lake week removal 1 14-Jul-1976
Delta College  Delta pay hike OK'd; Delta tuition, dorm rates up 3 14-Jul-1976
Midland County Attorneys in Smith case blame each other 3 15-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Puerto Rico trying to lure Dow 1 16-Jul-1976
Dow Corning Dow Corning has big second quarter 1 16-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Midland nuclear plant errors revealed 1 17-Jul-1976
Midland County Rood bows out of case 1 17-Jul-1976
Midland County-Sheriff Sheriff McNutt reviews storm warning system 3 17-Jul-1976
Roads County road program announced 3 19-Jul-1976
Midland-Water Water bills to increase 1 20-Jul-1976
Environmental Protection  Air quality improved 1 20-Jul-1976
Environmental Protection  High PBB found here 1 20-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Dow earnings no surprise 3 20-Jul-1976
Awards & Prizes State citation named for late Mrs. Zweigle 3 20-Jul-1976
Midland County-Courthouse Four candidates for Circuit Court bench 3 20-Jul-1976
Weather Rain floods streets; aid to Midland crops 1 21-Jul-1976
Agriculture Rain floods streets; aid to Midland crops 1 21-Jul-1976
Midland County-Treasurer County audits pushed; Courthouse plans eyed 1 21-Jul-1976
Midland County-Courthouse County audits pushed; Courthouse plans eyed 3 21-Jul-1976
Employment County funded jobs up 3 21-Jul-1976
Homer Township Water, sewers top issues in Homer area 3 21-Jul-1976
Mills Township Mills area candidates strong on tax issues 3 21-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Court action may delay Midland nuclear plant 1 22-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Inspectors still plan to eye nuclear plant 1 22-Jul-1976
Midland Center for the Arts Midland Symphony hails trip 1 22-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant left in limbo 1 23-Jul-1976
Consumers Energy Nuclear plant left in limbo 1 23-Jul-1976
Midland County Bill gives county $177,000 1 23-Jul-1976
Crime Mrs. Roeder out on bond 1 23-Jul-1976
Awards & Prizes Loriner honored for 30th year 3 23-Jul-1976
Midland Daily News City editor joins news 3 23-Jul-1976
Business Three named to optometric post 3 23-Jul-1976
Midland County-Mosquitos Mosquito vote -- what's success? 1 26-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Concrete pouring stopped at nuclear plant 1 27-Jul-1976
Midland-Planning Comm Sidewalks set for city streets 1 27-Jul-1976
Midland County-Sheriff Sheriff probe legal strings played out 1 27-Jul-1976
Midland County-Mosquitos ____ central to mosquito control 1 27-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools Midland schools bias suit  3 27-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools Budget woes hit schools 3 27-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Federal inspector will look at nuclear plant 1 28-Jul-1976
Midland Public Schools School board bans book 1 28-Jul-1976
Consumers Energy Consumers Power to mail refund checks 1 29-Jul-1976
Midland County-Commission Ruling clears Fraser 1 29-Jul-1976
Emergency Services Alternative medic services eyed 1 29-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  EPA urges study of nuclear reactor safety 1 30-Jul-1976
Emergency Services  Ambulance vote years in coming 1 30-Jul-1976
Nuclear Plant  Waste issue major one for nuclear industry 1 31-Jul-1976
Dow Chemical Twenty-six employees retire at Dow 3 31-Jul-1976