Indexes selected articles arranged by date from January 1975
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1975 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Dow Chemical NLRB rules Dow's 'Speak Out' program not a circumvention 1 2-Jan-1975
Midland County-Commission Morris heads county board 1 2-Jan-1975
Business Food checkouts go smoothly despite tax removal confusion 1 3-Jan-1975
Midland County-Sheriff Sheriff, county dismissed as defendants in lawsuit 1 3-Jan-1975
Midland County-Commission More public access to county board eyed 1 3-Jan-1975
Softball City to ponder bid for national softball tourney 1 4-Jan-1975
Midland-Zoning Area planners let action at disputed meeting stand 1 4-Jan-1975
Northwood University NI names Dow exec to board 1 4-Jan-1975
Employment County could get federal jobless aid 1 6-Jan-1975
Midland County-Commission County board takes steps to improve public access 1 8-Jan-1975
Crime Shoplifting is up in Midland Stores  1 10-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools Pact awaits teacher OK 1 10-Jan-1975
Weather Gale force winds leave $100,000 trail 1 11-Jan-1975
Nuclear Plant Mrs. Sinclair hits out at nuclear accountability 1 11-Jan-1975
MBS Airport Tri-City airport sharpens safety with $2million radar network 1 11-Jan-1975
Weather Midland cleans up; state damage $1 million 1 13-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools School board to weigh on training mentally impaired 1 14-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools School board OKs teaching sex education 1 14-Jan-1975
Roads New M-20 study would mean further delays, Midland told 1 14-Jan-1975
Fire Fire destroys bowling lanes, license bureau 1 15-Jan-1975
Business Fire destroys bowling lanes, license bureau 1 15-Jan-1975
Business Banker gets MDBA award, downtown development told 1 15-Jan-1975
Employment County to consider immediate job relief for the unemployed 1 16-Jan-1975
Business Grant won't close store 1 17-Jan-1975
Employment County gets offers to employ some of 2,600 jobless here 1 17-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools Midland teachers accept contract offer 1 18-Jan-1975
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek will decide 2 millage issues January 28 1 20-Jan-1975
Bullock Creek Schools Two forums set in Bullock Creek 1 20-Jan-1975
Delta College  Workshops on grants slated 1-29 at Delta College S2 P4 20-Jan-1975
Dow Chemical Dow tax request passes first hurdle 1 21-Jan-1975
Midland-Dial-A-Ride Continued support for DART urged 1 21-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools School board ratifies contract with teachers 1 21-Jan-1975
Midland-Zoning Extensive city zoning changes to be shown at public hearing 1 22-Jan-1975
Dow Chemical Freeland Dow plant gets final zoning OK 1 23-Jan-1975
Economy 9.8 jobless here 1 23-Jan-1975
MidMichigan Medical Center  Emergency medical unit formed 1 23-Jan-1975
Bullock Creek Schools Officials out number public at Bullock Creek forum 1 23-Jan-1975
Midland County Tentative agreement reached with county workers union 1 23-Jan-1975
Unions Tentative agreement reached with county workers union 1 23-Jan-1975
Employment Laid off carpenter heads job program 1 23-Jan-1975
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVC plans 3 buildings S1 P3 23-Jan-1975
Midland-Zoning Some proposed residential zoning changes summarized S1 P7 23-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools Area schools lead count on student suspensions 1 24-Jan-1975
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek ballot deadline Saturday 1 24-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools Cost estimates top school board agenda 1 25-Jan-1975
Midland-City Council Council has reservations on park housing project 1 28-Jan-1975
Midland-Water Willilams refuses Midland water right-of-way 1 28-Jan-1975
Williams Township Willilams refuses Midland water right-of-way 1 28-Jan-1975
Midland Public Schools School bond issue proposed for June 1 28-Jan-1975
Midland-City Council Rapanos blasts proposed new city ordinance 1 29-Jan-1975
Midland County-Courthouse Courthouse fire hazard cited; 5 story addition proposed 1 30-Jan-1975
Nuclear Plant  23 nuclear plants shut; safety investigated 1 30-Jan-1975
Midland-City Council Midland, Coleman annexations OK'd 1 30-Jan-1975
Coleman Midland, Coleman annexations OK'd 1 30-Jan-1975
Churches Blessed Sacrament to tell plans for buying for school Sunday 1 30-Jan-1975
Midland County County workers OK contract 1 30-Jan-1975
MidMichigan Medical Center  Here's isolette for nursery S1 P3 30-Jan-1975
Dow Chemical Private foundations have responsibility to public, Gerstacker tells conferences 1 31-Jan-1975
Midland County-Fire Dept Midland fire fighters win pay boost 1 31-Jan-1975