Indexes selected articles arranged by date from December 1974
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1974 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Nuclear Plant Picture - atomic reactor 1 2-Dec-1974
Nuclear Plant Scientists scoff at nuclear safety study 1 2-Dec-1974
Deaths Foster mother of 200 dies 1 2-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Seeks tax break on construction S1 P7 2-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Williams' planners OK Dow rezoning 1 3-Dec-1974
Williams Township Williams' planners OK Dow rezoning 1 3-Dec-1974
Midland-Zoning Store size amendment turned down 1 3-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Councilmen vote 3-2 to hold closed meeting 1 3-Dec-1974
Roads State eyes 1980-81 completion of M-20 1 3-Dec-1974
Northwood University Northwood Institute realigns management 1 4-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Closed council meeting in limbo 1 4-Dec-1974
Employment County spear heading job training program 1 4-Dec-1974
Midland County County likely to remain with scaled down unit 1 4-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control $8.8million initial cost put on flood control plan 1 4-Dec-1974
Roads Split M-20 into one-way roads, supervisor asks 1 4-Dec-1974
Dow Corning Dow Corning offers view of new center S1 P3 4-Dec-1974
Midland County-Commission County employees getting jobless protection S1 P3 4-Dec-1974
Employment Jobless off 50%, Dow settlement cited 1 5-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Council goes ahead with closed meeting 1 5-Dec-1974
Taxation Tax collection up $2.4million 1 5-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools Teacher talks broken off 1 5-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Branch bullish on 1975; sees 10% earnings rise 1 6-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools Intermediate board finds uncommitted '75 funds shrinking S1 P3 6-Dec-1974
Midland-Police Department Probation officer offers alternatives to problems 1 7-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Councilmen debate residence requirement vs absentism  1 10-Dec-1974
Williams Township Williams Twp rezones land for Dow showplace 1 10-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Williams Twp rezones land for Dow showplace 1 10-Dec-1974
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek, Midland school mulling 1 10-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools Bullock Creek, Midland school mulling 1 10-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools School board gets encouraging word on teacher contract talk 1 10-Dec-1974
Emergency Services Area emergency care center launched 1 11-Dec-1974
Roads 97% of those polled favor better M-20 1 11-Dec-1974
Midland-Dial-A-Ride Dial-A-Ride to get life-equipped bus 1 12-Dec-1974
Midland County Negotiations continue between county and its office workers 1 12-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Hearing set Monday on Dow's proposed facilty in Freeland S1 P3 12-Dec-1974
Dow Corning Dow Corning furloughs 85 1 13-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Dow pledges no lay offs at least through April 1 13-Dec-1974
Roads Highway officials blame federal requirements for delayed M-20 1 13-Dec-1974
Dow Corning Dow Corning's Christmas card show set to open S1 P2 13-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control Council may act Monday on flood insurance program 1 14-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Council may act Monday on flood insurance program 1 14-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical $500,000 gift given for Dow green belt 1 16-Dec-1974
Midland-Public Services City continuing scaled-down, energy minded plowing effort 1 16-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Dow one step away from final approval of Freeland center 1 17-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control Council okays federal flood insurance plan 1 17-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Council okays federal flood insurance plan 1 17-Dec-1974
Midland-City Council Debate continues over residency requirements 1 17-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools MCEA ask binding arbitration 1 17-Dec-1974
Midland County-Commission County-sheriff dispute may be forced into arbitration 1 18-Dec-1974
Mental Health County alcoholism program approved 1 18-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools Stalled teacher talks threaten entire pact 1 18-Dec-1974
Business Several new businesses listed with county clerk 1 19-Dec-1974
Midland-Water No asbestos in city water 1 19-Dec-1974
Midland-Fire Department Firefighters lower wage demand 1 19-Dec-1974
MBS Airport Tri-City airport budget only 4% higher than '74 1 20-Dec-1974
Midland Public Schools OUtside arbitration opposed by schools 20-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Dow forms environmental units 1 21-Dec-1974
Food Food stored in 12 county shelters may soon spoil 1 21-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control Midland flood plan environmental paper issued 1 23-Dec-1974
Politics Settlement of Flint open meetings lawsuit has Midland implications 1 24-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control Corps revises flood plan cost 1 24-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Dow feeling plastics slump 1 27-Dec-1974
Nuclear Plant AEC checking charges of violations at nuclear plant 1 27-Dec-1974
Floods & Flood Control County road board wants more details on flood plan 1 27-Dec-1974
MidMichigan Medical Center  Hospital planting continues S1 P3 27-Dec-1974
Crime Dow strike inflates city crime rate 1 28-Dec-1974
Dow Chemical Dow strike inflates city crime rate 1 28-Dec-1974
Midland County County salary pacts OK'd 1 30-Dec-1974
Economy Recession economy spills into Midland 1 31-Dec-1974
Midland County-Commission Country commission call 1974 efforts successful 1 31-Dec-1974
Disasters County board asks Milliken to declare disasters for farms 1 31-Dec-1974
Midland County-Commission County board asks Milliken to declare disasters for farms 1 31-Dec-1974
Midland County Non-union county employees get pay hike S1 P3 31-Dec-1974
Midland County-Commission County commissioners wrap up 1974, etc. 2?-Dec-1974