Indexes selected articles arranged by date from April 1974
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1974 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Dow Chemical Strike talks broken; both sides ordered to court Wednesday 1 1-Apr-1974
Unions Strike talks broken; both sides ordered to court Wednesday 1 1-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Fifty picketers arrested at Dow 47 building 1 1-Apr-1974
Unions Fifty picketers arrested at Dow 47 building 1 1-Apr-1974
Midland-Dial-A-Ride Holthofer testifies on transit program 1 1-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Five public hearings slated on Monday night 1 1-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow strike scene quiet 1 2-Apr-1974
Unions Dow strike scene quiet 1 2-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical State Court of Appeals will hear Temple's case 1 2-Apr-1974
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant site officially inside city 1 2-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Council OKs one rezoning water - sewer - street plans 1 2-Apr-1974
Midland Public Schools Voters soundly reject proposed skills center 1 2-Apr-1974
Midland Public Schools Students approve revised calendar 1 2-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow and USW refusing to bargain on 2/5 issues underlying strike 1 4-Apr-1974
Unions Dow and USW refusing to bargain on 2/5 issues underlying strike 1 4-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Temple hearing slated Tuesday 1 4-Apr-1974
Deaths Death claims Dr. Doan, former Dow president   4-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Death claims Dr. Doan, former Dow president 1 4-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow assistant security official struck by rock S1 P3 4-Apr-1974
Unions Woman picketer may file brutality charge at officer S1 P3 4-Apr-1974
Unions Dow strikers seek jobless payments 1 5-Apr-1974
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant pourings set next week; operational start pushed back 1 5-Apr-1974
Deaths Dr. Doan rites set Monday 1 5-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Picket injunction sought S1 P3 5-Apr-1974
Unions Picket injunction sought S1 P3 5-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical USW strike hearing delayed indefinitely S1 P3 5-Apr-1974
Unions USW strike hearing delayed indefinitely S1 P3 5-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Both sides laud mediation role; vandalism is up S2 P10 5-Apr-1974
Unions Both sides laud mediation role; vandalism is up S2 P10 5-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow claims several incidents of sabotage 1 8-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Mediated strike talks in doubt 1 8-Apr-1974
Unions Mediated strike talks in doubt 1 8-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Contempt case dropped after Temple apologizes 1 9-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow talks delayed until next Monday 1 9-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Impact of minimum wage hike on city workers unclear 1 9-Apr-1974
Midland Public Schools School board halts plans for Ashman improvement 1 9-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Strike hearing delayed 1 10-Apr-1974
Unions Strike hearing delayed 1 10-Apr-1974
Midland-Planning Comm Street improvement outlined to planners 1 10-Apr-1974
Transportation County-wide transit advanced by board 1 10-Apr-1974
Midland County-Commission Flint man named county controller 1 10-Apr-1974
Delta College Delta may cut tax, increase dorm rate 1 11-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Injunction agreed to by all sides in suit of NLRB 1 11-Apr-1974
Unions Injunction agreed to by all sides in suit of NLRB 1 11-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow offers stock plan to workers 1 11-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Strikers' aid processing smooth 1 13-Apr-1974
Unions Strikers' aid processing smooth 1 13-Apr-1974
Nuclear Plant Township to appeal nuclear site ruling 1 13-Apr-1974
Weather Winds push mobile homes off foundation in county 1 14-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Mediation foils with USW and Dow 1 15-Apr-1974
Unions Mediation foils with USW and Dow 1 15-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Shots fired at 2 homes 1 15-Apr-1974
Jasper Township Tornado strikes Jasper; $18,200 damage to homes 1 15-Apr-1974
Disasters Tornado strikes Jasper; $18,200 damage to homes 1 15-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Strikers charged; incidents continue 1 16-Apr-1974
Unions Strikers charged; incidents continue 1 16-Apr-1974
Economy Some Midland stations out of gas 1 16-Apr-1974
MidMichigan Medical Center  Open house set at new hospital 1 16-Apr-1974
Midland Public Schools School board mulls next move after voters favor old calendar 1 16-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow quarterly sales, income up 1 17-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Six-hundred marchers go on rampage 1 17-Apr-1974
Unions Six-hundred marchers go on rampage 1 17-Apr-1974
Homer Township Homer volunteers may face injunction over refusal to fight brinewell fire 1 17-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Six persons face strike charges S1 P3 17-Apr-1974
Unions Six persons face strike charges S1 P3 17-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow brinewell incident exaggerated, firemen say 1 18-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Wittbrodt condemns Tuesday night violence 1 18-Apr-1974
Unions Wittbrodt condemns Tuesday night violence 1 18-Apr-1974
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Plan would allow outcity use of library, but cut bookmobile 1 18-Apr-1974
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Revamping of children's library studied by council S1 P3 18-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Strike jurisdiction goes to Judge Rood 1 19-Apr-1974
Unions Strike jurisdiction goes to Judge Rood 1 19-Apr-1974
Grace A. Dow Mem Library City library plans week of celebrations 1 19-Apr-1974
Nuclear Plant City delays nuclear site case 1 19-Apr-1974
Midland-Budget Proposed city budget would hike taxes 1 19-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Sign ordinance proposal before council 1 19-Apr-1974
MBS Airport Tri-City runway plan on schedule 1 19-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Dow corporate workers helping keep plant open 1 20-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Sign changes tops council work agenda 1 20-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical City removing picket shelters 1 22-Apr-1974
Midland-City City removing picket shelters 1 22-Apr-1974
Unions Three men arrested in strike incidents  S1 P3 22-Apr-1974
Midland-City Council Strikers complain to council; say city, police acting unfairly 1 23-Apr-1974
Midland-Police Department Strikers complain to council; say city, police acting unfairly 1 23-Apr-1974
Midland Public Schools Post Labor Day school opening favored by board 1 23-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Strike talks set Monday; County urges quick settlement of strike 1 24-Apr-1974
Unions Strike talks set Monday; County urges quick settlement of strike 1 24-Apr-1974
Midland-Zoning Business zoning near school offices draws objections 1 24-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Union strike sites calm after 'destruction melee' 1 25-Apr-1974
Unions Union strike sites calm after 'destruction melee' 1 25-Apr-1974
Unions Local 12075 official starts court defense 1 25-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Midland man is charged with train derail attempt 1 26-Apr-1974
Crime Midland man is charged with train derail attempt 1 26-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Contempt case against USW may go past today 1 26-Apr-1974
Unions Contempt case against USW may go past today 1 26-Apr-1974
Floods & Flood Control $3.8 million price tag is put on flood control  1 26-Apr-1974
Crime Bomb damages city policeman's home 1 27-Apr-1974
Midland-Police Department Bomb damages city policeman's home 1 27-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical Union/Dow return to bargaining table 1 29-Apr-1974
Unions Union/Dow return to bargaining table 1 29-Apr-1974
Dow Chemical MRB studying charges against Bay City plant 1 29-Apr-1974
Midland-Police Department Police vow to nab bomber 29-Apr-1974
Dow Corning Dow Corning, USW meet to discuss wage problems 1 30-Apr-1974
Unions Dow Corning, USW meet to discuss wage problems 1 30-Apr-1974
Unions Walking picket lines -- determination, fear, anger, frustration 1 30-Apr-1974
Unions Wittbrodt charges Rowe vendetta against USW 1 30-Apr-1974
Unions Union wives vote to form auxillary S1 P3 30-Apr-1974