Indexes selected articles arranged by date from March 1974
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1974 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
MBS Airport Tri City plans $2million in runway improvements 1 1-Mar-1974
Elections-Local Three republican, one democrat in county board primary race 1 1-Mar-1974
Midland County-Commission Three republican, one democrat in county board primary race 1/1/1900 1-Mar-1974
Economy Gas at Midland pumps sells from 49.1 to 67.9 1 4-Mar-1974
Floods & Flood Control River near flood stage 1 5-Mar-1974
Midland-City Council Council backs city-county building, boosts golf fees 1 5-Mar-1974
Golf Council backs city-county building, boosts golf fees 1 5-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow, union mum on contract talks  1 6-Mar-1974
Unions Dow, union mum on contract talks  1 6-Mar-1974
Elections-Local Bates chosen to face Rieke in District 10 1 6-Mar-1974
Midland County City-county building gets board backing 1 6-Mar-1974
Midland-City Council City-county building gets board backing 1 6-Mar-1974
Taxation County passive participant in north annexation civil suit 1 6-Mar-1974
Dow Corning 500 Dow Corning workers will be moving to new site 1 7-Mar-1974
Economy City asks higher gas allocation 1 8-Mar-1974
Grace A. Dow Mem Library Out-county library service debated at special meeting 1 8-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow pact with union extended 1 9-Mar-1974
Unions Dow pact with union extended 1 9-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow giving up Rocky Flats job 1 9-Mar-1974
Midland County-Commission $4,771 top county board pay 1 9-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow offers new 3yr contract to USW 1 11-Mar-1974
Unions Dow offers new 3yr contract to USW 1 11-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools Two high schools name top students 1 11-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow union fails to endorse pact 1 12-Mar-1974
Unions Dow union fails to endorse pact 1 12-Mar-1974
Authors Local author, C.E. Hamilton, teacher's manual on environment 1 12-Mar-1974
Taxation North annexation suit goes to court Friday 1 12-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools School board calls off Ashman work, orders special ed restudy 1 12-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools School board junks retirees class fees 1 12-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow has issued challenge, says leader of union 1 13-Mar-1974
Nuclear Plant Prehearing conference slated on nuclear plant show cause order 1 13-Mar-1974
Midland-Planning Comm Planners want survey of shopping attitudes 1 13-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow, USW clash on contract offer 1 14-Mar-1974
Unions Dow, USW clash on contract offer 1 14-Mar-1974
Midland-Wastewater Midland gets grant for sewage facility 1 14-Mar-1974
Floods & Flood Control Midland, other counties, to mull flood control plan 1 14-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow pact balloting underway 1 15-Mar-1974
Unions Dow pact balloting underway 1 15-Mar-1974
Employment County's 5.2% jobless less than half of state's 1 15-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools Vo-ed center seen operating by 1976, if OK'ed 1 15-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Turnout heavy for contract vote 1 16-Mar-1974
Unions Turnout heavy for contract vote 1 16-Mar-1974
Midland-City Council Annexation is city-township fight 1 16-Mar-1974
Floods & Flood Control Counties dust off old flood control plan 1 16-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools Grant could fund half of vo-ed center 1 16-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical USW walks out at Dow - strike first since 1948; new experience for many 1 18-Mar-1974
Unions USW walks out at Dow - strike first since 1948; new experience for many 1 18-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Injunction asked against pickets 1 19-Mar-1974
Unions Injunction asked against pickets 1 19-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Six arrested 1 19-Mar-1974
Unions Six arrested 1 19-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow sales, earnings up 1 19-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Long strike will affect economy 1 19-Mar-1974
Economy Long strike will affect economy 1 19-Mar-1974
Midland-Planning Comm More downtown parking OK'ed 1 19-Mar-1974
Midland-City Council Council nixes rezoning, retains buffer 1 19-Mar-1974
Dow Corning Dow Corning union upset; strong action threatened 1/1/1900 20-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical 150 picketers stage Austin Street sit down 1 20-Mar-1974
Unions 150 picketers stage Austin Street sit down 1 20-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Police brutality charged 1 20-Mar-1974
Midland-Police Department Police brutality charged 1 20-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Wittbrodt to ask probe 1 20-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Picket injunction hearing continues 1 20-Mar-1974
Unions Picket injunction hearing continues 1 20-Mar-1974
Floods & Flooding Clean-up begins after worst flood since 1965 1 20-Mar-1974
Midland-Police Department Local police were unable to control strike, Miles says 1 20-Mar-1974
Midland County-Budget County has $351,227 left in revenue sharing account 1 20-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical 38 picters arrainged S1 P3 20-Mar-1974
Union 38 picters arrainged S1 P3 20-Mar-1974
Dow Corning Lankton says Dow Corning to stay neutral 1/1/1900 21-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical No big incidents since picket pact 1 21-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Union holding to agreement, officials say 1 21-Mar-1974
Unions Union holding to agreement, officials say 1 21-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Wives plan rally to boycott stores against Dow strike 1 21-Mar-1974
Unions Wives plan rally to boycott stores against Dow strike 1 21-Mar-1974
Economy Stores feel impact of strike 1 21-Mar-1974
Unions Stores feel impact of strike 1 21-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Milliken getting reports on Midland strike scene 1 21-Mar-1974
Unions Milliken getting reports on Midland strike scene 1 21-Mar-1974
Midland-City Council Sixty-three employees honored for service S1 P3 21-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Milliken trying for new negotiations 1 22-Mar-1974
Unions Milliken trying for new negotiations 1 22-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow goes back to court, seeking picket injuction 1 22-Mar-1974
Unions Dow goes back to court, seeking picket injuction 1 22-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical 4:30 fiasco -- Dow not that bad, USW 1 22-Mar-1974
Unions 4:30 fiasco -- Dow not that bad, USW 1 22-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical 300 women parade downtown 1 22-Mar-1974
Unions 300 women parade downtown 1 22-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Strike vote honest, Wittbrodt contends 1 22-Mar-1974
Unions Strike vote honest, Wittbrodt contends 1 22-Mar-1974
MBS Airport $2million runway project to close airport 4 days 1 22-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Judge orders injunction pact talks 1 23-Mar-1974
Unions Judge orders injunction pact talks 1 23-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Politics' memo lands trouble for Dow official 1 23-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Picket lines remain quiet 1 23-Mar-1974
Unions Picket lines remain quiet 1 23-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow USW renew talks, negotiate 1 25-Mar-1974
Unions Dow USW renew talks, negotiate 1 25-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Tuesday ruling due on Temple 1 25-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Picketing peaceful at most Dow gates 1 25-Mar-1974
Business  Circle business group president optimistic in '74 S1 P3 25-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Court refuses to drop Temple contempt action 1 26-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Minor flare-up at Dow as talks continue; progress slow 1 26-Mar-1974
Unions Minor flare-up at Dow as talks continue; progress slow 1 26-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow moves annual meeting to Miami 1 26-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Estimated 1,000 strikers can soon get food stamps 1 26-Mar-1974
Unions Estimated 1,000 strikers can soon get food stamps 1 26-Mar-1974
Nuclear Plant Midland nuclear plant conference set 1 26-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools Students may vote on school calendar 1 26-Mar-1974
Unions Two union members arraingned S1 P7 26-Mar-1974
History Herbert Dow was key to start of town, center S2 P3 26-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow says salaried crew near record production 1 27-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Open gates areas marked off 1 27-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow-Union talks continue in positive atmosphere 1 27-Mar-1974
Unions Dow-Union talks continue in positive atmosphere 1 27-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Wittbrodt disputes Dow letters 1 27-Mar-1974
Unions Wittbrodt disputes Dow letters 1 27-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow Chemical breakdown of contract offer, etc. 1 27-Mar-1974
Midland-Planning Comm Planners ask denial of intersection shift 1 27-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Strike in 11th day as talks continue S1 P9 28-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Area Clergy plead for strike calmness 1 29-Mar-1974
Churches Area Clergy plead for strike calmness 1 29-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Some progress, negotiators say 1 29-Mar-1974
Unions Some progress, negotiators say 1 29-Mar-1974
Nuclear Plant Show cause nuclear hearing set for city 1 29-Mar-1974
Elections-Local County board seat up for grabs Monday 1 29-Mar-1974
Midland Public Schools Funding for vo-ed center highlight special election 1 29-Mar-1974
Unions Dow Corning union upset; strong action threatened 1 30-Mar-1974
Dow Chemical Dow to let union chief tour plants 1 30-Mar-1974
Unions Dow to let union chief tour plants 1 30-Mar-1974