Indexes selected
articles arranged by date from March 1974 |
See the Annual
Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1974 index arranged by
subject |
Also see tabs for
Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names |
Subject |
Article |
Page |
Date |
MBS Airport |
Tri City plans $2million in runway improvements |
1 |
1-Mar-1974 |
Elections-Local |
Three republican, one democrat in county board primary race |
1 |
1-Mar-1974 |
Midland County-Commission |
Three republican, one democrat in county board primary race |
1/1/1900 |
1-Mar-1974 |
Economy |
Gas at Midland pumps sells from 49.1 to 67.9 |
1 |
4-Mar-1974 |
Floods & Flood Control |
River near flood stage |
1 |
5-Mar-1974 |
Midland-City Council |
Council backs city-county building, boosts golf fees |
1 |
5-Mar-1974 |
Golf |
Council backs city-county building, boosts golf fees |
1 |
5-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow, union mum on contract talks |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow, union mum on contract talks |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Elections-Local |
Bates chosen to face Rieke in District 10 |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Midland County |
City-county building gets board backing |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Midland-City Council |
City-county building gets board backing |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Taxation |
County passive participant in north annexation civil suit |
1 |
6-Mar-1974 |
Dow Corning |
500 Dow Corning workers will be moving to new site |
1 |
7-Mar-1974 |
Economy |
City asks higher gas allocation |
1 |
8-Mar-1974 |
Grace A. Dow Mem Library |
Out-county library service debated at special meeting |
1 |
8-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow pact with union extended |
1 |
9-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow pact with union extended |
1 |
9-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow giving up Rocky Flats job |
1 |
9-Mar-1974 |
Midland County-Commission |
$4,771 top county board pay |
1 |
9-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow offers new 3yr contract to USW |
1 |
11-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow offers new 3yr contract to USW |
1 |
11-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
Two high schools name top students |
1 |
11-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow union fails to endorse pact |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow union fails to endorse pact |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Authors |
Local author, C.E. Hamilton, teacher's manual on environment |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Taxation |
North annexation suit goes to court Friday |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
School board calls off Ashman work, orders special ed restudy |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
School board junks retirees class fees |
1 |
12-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow has issued challenge, says leader of union |
1 |
13-Mar-1974 |
Nuclear Plant |
Prehearing conference slated on nuclear plant show cause order |
1 |
13-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Planning Comm |
Planners want survey of shopping attitudes |
1 |
13-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow, USW clash on contract offer |
1 |
14-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow, USW clash on contract offer |
1 |
14-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Wastewater |
Midland gets grant for sewage facility |
1 |
14-Mar-1974 |
Floods & Flood Control |
Midland, other counties, to mull flood control plan |
1 |
14-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow pact balloting underway |
1 |
15-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow pact balloting underway |
1 |
15-Mar-1974 |
Employment |
County's 5.2% jobless less than half of state's |
1 |
15-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
Vo-ed center seen operating by 1976, if OK'ed |
1 |
15-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Turnout heavy for contract vote |
1 |
16-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Turnout heavy for contract vote |
1 |
16-Mar-1974 |
Midland-City Council |
Annexation is city-township fight |
1 |
16-Mar-1974 |
Floods & Flood Control |
Counties dust off old flood control plan |
1 |
16-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
Grant could fund half of vo-ed center |
1 |
16-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
USW walks out at Dow - strike first since 1948; new experience for many |
1 |
18-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
USW walks out at Dow - strike first since 1948; new experience for many |
1 |
18-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Injunction asked against pickets |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Injunction asked against pickets |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Six arrested |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Six arrested |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow sales, earnings up |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Long strike will affect economy |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Economy |
Long strike will affect economy |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Planning Comm |
More downtown parking OK'ed |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Midland-City Council |
Council nixes rezoning, retains buffer |
1 |
19-Mar-1974 |
Dow Corning |
Dow Corning union upset; strong action threatened |
1/1/1900 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
150 picketers stage Austin Street sit down |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
150 picketers stage Austin Street sit down |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Police brutality charged |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Police Department |
Police brutality charged |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Wittbrodt to ask probe |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Picket injunction hearing continues |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Picket injunction hearing continues |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Floods & Flooding |
Clean-up begins after worst flood since 1965 |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Police Department |
Local police were unable to control strike, Miles says |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Midland County-Budget |
County has $351,227 left in revenue sharing account |
1 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
38 picters arrainged |
S1 P3 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Union |
38 picters arrainged |
S1 P3 |
20-Mar-1974 |
Dow Corning |
Lankton says Dow Corning to stay neutral |
1/1/1900 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
No big incidents since picket pact |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Union holding to agreement, officials say |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Union holding to agreement, officials say |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Wives plan rally to boycott stores against Dow strike |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Wives plan rally to boycott stores against Dow strike |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Economy |
Stores feel impact of strike |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Stores feel impact of strike |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Milliken getting reports on Midland strike scene |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Milliken getting reports on Midland strike scene |
1 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Midland-City Council |
Sixty-three employees honored for service |
S1 P3 |
21-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Milliken trying for new negotiations |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Milliken trying for new negotiations |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow goes back to court, seeking picket injuction |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow goes back to court, seeking picket injuction |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
4:30 fiasco -- Dow not that bad, USW |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
4:30 fiasco -- Dow not that bad, USW |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
300 women parade downtown |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
300 women parade downtown |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Strike vote honest, Wittbrodt contends |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Strike vote honest, Wittbrodt contends |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
MBS Airport |
$2million runway project to close airport 4 days |
1 |
22-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Judge orders injunction pact talks |
1 |
23-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Judge orders injunction pact talks |
1 |
23-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Politics' memo lands trouble for Dow official |
1 |
23-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Picket lines remain quiet |
1 |
23-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Picket lines remain quiet |
1 |
23-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow USW renew talks, negotiate |
1 |
25-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow USW renew talks, negotiate |
1 |
25-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Tuesday ruling due on Temple |
1 |
25-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Picketing peaceful at most Dow gates |
1 |
25-Mar-1974 |
Business |
Circle business group president optimistic in '74 |
S1 P3 |
25-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Court refuses to drop Temple contempt action |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Minor flare-up at Dow as talks continue; progress slow |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Minor flare-up at Dow as talks continue; progress slow |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow moves annual meeting to Miami |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Estimated 1,000 strikers can soon get food stamps |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Estimated 1,000 strikers can soon get food stamps |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Nuclear Plant |
Midland nuclear plant conference set |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
Students may vote on school calendar |
1 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Two union members arraingned |
S1 P7 |
26-Mar-1974 |
History |
Herbert Dow was key to start of town, center |
S2 P3 |
26-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow says salaried crew near record production |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Open gates areas marked off |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow-Union talks continue in positive atmosphere |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow-Union talks continue in positive atmosphere |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Wittbrodt disputes Dow letters |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Wittbrodt disputes Dow letters |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow Chemical breakdown of contract offer, etc. |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Midland-Planning Comm |
Planners ask denial of intersection shift |
1 |
27-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Strike in 11th day as talks continue |
S1 P9 |
28-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Area Clergy plead for strike calmness |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Churches |
Area Clergy plead for strike calmness |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Some progress, negotiators say |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Some progress, negotiators say |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Nuclear Plant |
Show cause nuclear hearing set for city |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Elections-Local |
County board seat up for grabs Monday |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Midland Public Schools |
Funding for vo-ed center highlight special election |
1 |
29-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow Corning union upset; strong action threatened |
1 |
30-Mar-1974 |
Dow Chemical |
Dow to let union chief tour plants |
1 |
30-Mar-1974 |
Unions |
Dow to let union chief tour plants |
1 |
30-Mar-1974 |