Indexes selected articles arranged by date from June 1972
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1972 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Nuclear Plant Midland nuclear plant hearing could wind up by June 16th 1 1-Jun-1972
Midland County 11-district plan favored 1 2-Jun-1972
Midland-Planning Comm Planners complete task of revising city's master plan S1 P3 2-Jun-1972
Barstow Airport Barstow expansion OK'd unanimously despite opposition 1 6-Jun-1972
Midland-City Council City council approves Jerome area rezoning 1 6-Jun-1972
Midland-Zoning City council approves Jerome area rezoning 1 6-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Mapleton interveners propose 6 more areas for x-examination 1 9-Jun-1972
Employment Midland jobless steady 1 9-Jun-1972
MBS Airport Tri-county management of airport is suggested 1 9-Jun-1972
Business Move begin to reorganize area economic district 1 10-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Benefits outweigh risks, AEC officials tell nuclear plant hearing 1 13-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant May extend nuclear hearing 1 13-Jun-1972
Midland Public Schools Rupprecht & Ruhl elected to school board 1 13-Jun-1972
Dow Corning Dow Corning picks Ludington for president 13-Jun-1972
Delta College Delta sues city on tax call 1 14-Jun-1972
Taxation Delta sues city on tax call 1 14-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Nuclear hearing may be extended 1 14-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Intervenors claim of extreme nuclear plant fogging challenged 1 15-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Nuclear plant hearing ends; late fall decision seen 1 16-Jun-1972
MBS Airport Tri-City needs $1 million for runway expansion S1 P2 16-Jun-1972
Midland Public Schools City school board may act on budget S1 P3 16-Jun-1972
Delta College Court mulls Delta's suit against city 1 17-Jun-1972
Taxation Court mulls Delta's suit against city 1 17-Jun-1972
Midland-City Council Levy tax for Delta, city is told 1 21-Jun-1972
Delta College  Levy tax for Delta, city is told 1 21-Jun-1972
Nuclear Plant Nuclear hearing conclusion hinted 1 26-Jun-1972
Midland-City Council Numerous land plan changes OK'd 1 28-Jun-1972
Midland County County redistricting faces new challenge 1 29-Jun-1972