Indexes selected articles arranged by date from October 1971
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1971 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Nuclear Power Plant Wittbrodt sees nuclear plant boosting local economy 1 1-Oct-1971
Economy Wittbrodt sees nuclear plant boosting local economy 1 1-Oct-1971
Midland Public Schools Educators skeptical of tax plan 1 1-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Risk of high nuclear exposure called neglible 1 2-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Milliken presses AEC for early nuclear decision 1 4-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Council backs nuclear rally 1 5-Oct-1971
Midland-City Council Council backs nuclear rally 1 5-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear plant endorsed by 5 labor unions 1 5-Oct-1971
Unions Nuclear plant endorsed by 5 labor unions 1 5-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant  City schools will stay open on nuclear rally day 1 5-Oct-1971
Midland Public Schools City schools will stay open on nuclear rally day 1 5-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Workers can attend rally, industry says 1 8-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Mayor Francis, state of KS, Senator Eastland, scientists speak out on nuclear power 1 8-Oct-1971
Midland Public Schools School board accused of unfair labor practices 1 8-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant DC meeting arranged on nuclear plant 1 13-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Five Dow officials hail nuclear rally 1 13-Oct-1971
Dow Chemical Five Dow officials hail nuclear rally 1 13-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant  Speak Up Now rally was double attraction for 1,000+ youths 1 13-Oct-1971
Dow Chemical Fourth of five pollution safeguards added by Dow 1 15-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant County nuclear power plant going to Washington 1 15-Oct-1971
Dow Chemical Sales, earnings up 1 18-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Top AEC priority for Midland plant sought 1 20-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Power Committee meetings with federal officials 1 21-Oct-1971
Midland Public Schools Midland school boundaries up for discussion 1 25-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Midlanders meet with AEC officials 1 27-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Midland n-plant given priority status 1 28-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant December start-up of nuclear plant hinted 1 29-Oct-1971
Nuclear Power Plant Midland n-plant backers are cautiously optimistic 1 29-Oct-1971