Indexes selected articles arranged by date from June 1967
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1967 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Dow Chemical Dow may match safety record 3A 1-Jun-1967
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek graduates 114 seniors 1A 2-Jun-1967
Politics State senate debates bills affecting schools 3A 2-Jun-1967
Schools State senate debates bills affecting schools 3A 2-Jun-1967
Adult Education Adult education council meeting set on Tuesday 3A 2-Jun-1967
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVC program aimed to aid pupils prepare for college 3A 2-Jun-1967
Biography He teaches, lives in negro ghetto. Midland's Gerald Plas 10A 3-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Local Jaycees cite Hursch, Reder, Sias 1A 3-Jun-1967
Meridian Public Schools Meredian holds commencement 1A 3-Jun-1967
Midland County Social security benefits listed for Midland County 11A 5-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Name change pondered for Tri-City Airport 12A 5-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Dow plans $1.5 million project to cut air pollution 1A 5-Jun-1967
Dow Corning Dow Corning facility gets housewarming 1A 5-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Big Brothers get new executive 1A 5-Jun-1967
Northwood University Newspaper clinic now underway at N.I. 1A 5-Jun-1967
Delta College Schedule of credit classses for summer, June 19-Aug 9 5A 5-Jun-1967
MBS Airport What Instrument Landing System (ILS) will do for Tri-city 5B 5-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Over 400 enrolled in music program 7A 5-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Dow Chemical summer tours begin Monday 1A 7-Jun-1967
Business Murphy's Restaurant schedules remodeling; Closed June 10-Sept 15 1A 7-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Three candidates vie in city school board election. Balloting Monday 1B 7-Jun-1967
Elections-Local Three candidates vie in city school board election. Balloting Monday 1B 7-Jun-1967
Unions UMWA election nominee announced 3A 7-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Students raise $1,041 for school in Tanzania 3A 7-Jun-1967
Events Band concert plans made 4A 7-Jun-1967
Northwood University Glass-blowing pointers outined at N.I. 8B 7-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Launch fund drive on center for arts 1A 8-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Free new vitality into our city, graduates told 1A 8-Jun-1967
Business Circle businessmen complete plans for Paul Bunyan Days 3A 8-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Shannon is re-elected KC head 3A 8-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Kim Tyson presented Eagle award 3A 8-Jun-1967
Meridian Public Schools Meridian school board says costs up 15% 5A 8-Jun-1967
Delta College Agricultural curriculum is developed at Delta College 7B 8-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Center for arts drive headed by Bass Henske 1A 10-Jun-1967
Midland-City Council Nine liquor licenses get initial approval 1A 13-Jun-1967
Midland County Supervisors take up sheriff's department issues 1A 13-Jun-1967
Midland County-Sheriff Supervisors take up sheriff's dept issues 1A 13-Jun-1967
Elections-Local Carter, Brooks win school posts; Mosquito control rejected 1A 13-Jun-1967
Elections-Local Vote tabulations on schools posts and mosquito control 13-Jun-1967
Midland Courthouse modernization plan unveiled 1A 14-Jun-1967
Midland-Police Department Moving day today for Midland Police 1A 14-Jun-1967
Auburn Auburn Fun Days begins 3-day run on Friday 1B 14-Jun-1967
Delta College Creative writing seminar, segment of Delta Festival 1B 14-Jun-1967
Auburn Auburn queen pageant slated Thursday night 3A 14-Jun-1967
Delta College Delta board ok's $2.9 million budlet 3A 14-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Center for Arts compaign film ready for bookings 3A 14-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Exchange Club honors Freedom award winners 3A 14-Jun-1967
Awards & Prizes Exchange Club honors Freedom award winners 3A 14-Jun-1967
Midland-Zoning Bye, city rezoning requests draw objections at hearing 3A 14-Jun-1967
Midland County-Sheriff Undersheriff termed acting sheriff 3A 14-Jun-1967
Auburn Rev. Braun, family feted at Auburn farewell party 3A 15-Jun-1967
Midland County Supervisors OK study on county water, sewer needs 3A 15-Jun-1967
Mental Health Mental health center open on Friday 3A 15-Jun-1967
Juvenile Care Center Need cited for Midland juvenile detention services 3A 15-Jun-1967
Sanford Sanford rock collector busy with new find; Ancient artifacts help tell MI's history 4A 15-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations Nature Club plans special field trip 6A 15-Jun-1967
Midland County-Sheriff County sheriffs' posse formed 6 16-Jun-1967
Sanford Rodeo set Saturday and Sunday near Sanford 6 16-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Top-level Dow job changes announced 1A 16-Jun-1967
MBS Aiport Airport future said unlimited 1A 16-Jun-1967
Auburn Miss Melody Baker is crowned Auburn queen 3A 16-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Rotarians hear Alden Dow, see Center for Arts film 3A 16-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Center for Arts matching fund drive begins 6/28. Jackson, Prince lead unit 3A 16-Jun-1967
Clubs & Organizations AICHE speakers air optimization theory 3A 16-Jun-1967
Central Mich University Central Michigan degrees received 8A 16-Jun-1967
Freeland Comm Schools May Finish Freeland school addition in early September 8B 16-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Tri-City in 1968 to be first in world to get United's computer system 11A 17-Jun-1967
Weather Rain storm lashes Midland area 1A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Tri-cities lauded for good vision into airport's future 1A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Future Tri-City expansion plans in the making 3A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport United's terminal facilities totals more than $387,000 4A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Russ Purchase found Freeland good place for flying business 5A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Tri-city's new terminal drew 2,000 visitors first month 5A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport North central undertaking vast modernization program 6A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Midland Chamber's aviation - plays key role in airport development 6A 17-Jun-1967
Midland Area Chamber Midland Chamber's aviation - plays key role in airport development 6A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Getting Tri-city tower -- an uphill job 7A 17-Jun-1967
MBS Airport $1.5 million Tri-City Airport 8A 17-Jun-1967
Biography Dr. Harvey leaving for Washington job 1A 19-Jun-1967
Business Circle Paul Bunyan Days begins 4 day run on Tuesday 1A 19-Jun-1967
Midland City directory survey underway 3A 19-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Some 20,000 visit airport terminal Sunday 3A 19-Jun-1967
Business Robert D. Camp elected to Midland bank board 4A 19-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Summer school begins Monday 4B 19-Jun-1967
Midland-City Council Anti-littering ordinance is adopted by city council 1A 20-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Clark appointed assistant principal at new high school 1A 20-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Creativity exhibit set at Dow Abbott Rd. Center 3A 20-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical UMWA election begins Wednesday 3A 20-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools Midland school board acts on various items 3A 20-Jun-1967
Coleman Court denies stay in Coleman case 1A 21-Jun-1967
Deaths Thomas Griswold Jr. dies 1A 21-Jun-1967
Biography Past C.C. presidents laud retiring Arnold 1A 21-Jun-1967
Freeland Comm Schools Summer recreation program began Monday in Freeland 1B 21-Jun-1967
Biography Rev. Wasco of Midland to be ordained in Belgium 2B 21-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Meyer Klein appointed associate scientist 3A 21-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical  New Dow research facility opens doors 3A 21-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Sinclair heads promotion on Center for Arts 3A 21-Jun-1967
Military Midland's August draft call is 10 3A 21-Jun-1967
MBS Airport Tri-City Airport maps terminal fund formula 3A 21-Jun-1967
Events For children, Paul Bunyan Days are fun, fun, fun 4B 21-Jun-1967
Meridian Public Schools Meridian conducting remedial program 6A 21-Jun-1967
Deaths Thomas Griswold rites set Friday 1A 22-Jun-1967
Roads Bridge bids below estimates 1A 22-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Dow plans to open new Kansas City sales office 3A 22-Jun-1967
Business Planning and design office is now open 3A 22-Jun-1967
MidMichigan Medical Center Hospital visiting hours to change 7A 22-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Thomas Griswold Jr., a pioneer of Dow 8A 22-Jun-1967
Biography Thomas Griswold Jr., a pioneer of Dow 8A 22-Jun-1967
Auburn Freeland, Auburn women translate Polish posters 10A 23-Jun-1967
Churches Midlander (Weaver) ordained to the diaconate on Saturday 3A 23-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Some 60 groups book film on center 3A 23-Jun-1967
Awards & Prizes Breed, Kostoff recipients of Bergstein awards 8A 24-Jun-1967
Midland Public Schools School board will consider UMWA pact 1A 26-Jun-1967
Unions School board will consider UMWA pact 1A 26-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Key changes at Dowell are announced by Doan 2A 26-Jun-1967
Churches Weaver ordained at St. John's Episcopal Church 3A 26-Jun-1967
Mental Health Achievements, aims, and history - annual mental health services rpt 3B 26-Jun-1967
Roads City sells bridge financing bonds 1A 27-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Founders' team begin Thursday 3A 27-Jun-1967
Delta College Delta board will award pacts on campus projects 8A 27-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Center will aid students in the arts and sciences 1B 28-Jun-1967
History Midlander's archeological find may date 900 B.C.  1B 28-Jun-1967
Saginaw Valley State Univ Chrisler urges SVC prompt minor sports 2B 28-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Dow security officer (Smith) is feted at retirement party 3A 28-Jun-1967
Schools Guild presents extra show for children Title I 4B 28-Jun-1967
Delta College Conductor's workshop slated for Delta College 6B 28-Jun-1967
Delta College Delta will offer nearly 100 fall adult education courses 7A 28-Jun-1967
Schools Increasing success of Midland children is aim of Title I program 7A 28-Jun-1967
Midland County-Sheriff Police, sheriff's dept., AAA to survey traffic wrecks 8D 28-Jun-1967
Midland-Police Department Police, sheriff's dept., AAA to survey traffic wrecks 8D 28-Jun-1967
Midland Center for the Arts Auditorium, theater, Great Hall will comprise Center for Arts 12B 29-Jun-1967
Northwood University Col. John S.D. Eisenhower joins NI staff as lecturer 1A 29-Jun-1967
Delta College Delta Ok's cut on tax levy for debt retirement 3A 29-Jun-1967
Midland Midland Community Fund goal up; set at $490,000 3A 29-Jun-1967
Saginaw Valley State Univ SVC building bids postponed a wek 3A 29-Jun-1967
Delta College Miss Hiroko Okitsu treated Delta students with Japanese dance 6A 29-Jun-1967
Dow Chemical Plastics building authorized by Dow 6B 29-Jun-1967
Business Midland businesses prepare for holiday 1A 30-Jun-1967
Midland County-Politics Official proceedings - Midland County supervisors 4B 30-Jun-1967
Central Mich University Food service association convention held at CMU 7A 30-Jun-1967
Health & Safety Medicare's first birthday - blessed, accliamed, tolerated 9A 30-Jun-1967