Indexes selected articles arranged by date from April 1965
See the Annual Article Index tab at bottom of page for complete 1965 index arranged by subject
Also see tabs for Obituaries, Weddings - Anniversaries, Personal Names
Subject Article Page Date
Elections-Courts Campbell wins circuit judge 1A 6-Apr-1956
Midland Community Center Will honor Dr. Barstow 1A 1-Apr-1965
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creek district accreditated by NCA 2A 1-Apr-1965
Elections-Local Circuit judge candidates tell views 1A 2-Apr-1965
Politics Circuit judge candidates tell views 1A 2-Apr-1965
Elections-Courts Circuit judge candidates tell views 1A 2-Apr-1965
Elections-Local Two decisions in Monday's election 6A 2-Apr-1965
Midland Center for the Arts Singing boys prepare repertoire 11B 3-Apr-1965
Colleges Romney sets conditions for his support of SVC 1A 3-Apr-1965
Midland-Police Department Ray Rowe, top grade police 10A 5-Apr-1965
Midland-Police Department Lt. Ray Rowe dies 1A 5-Apr-1965
Midland Community Center Citizens hail Dr. Barstow 1A 6-Apr-1965
Taxation Tax base is $125.8 million 1A 6-Apr-1965
Elections-Courts Campbell wins circuit judge 1A 6-Apr-1965
Colleges Midlanders to head SVC fund drive 2A 6-Apr-1965
Midland Community Center 50th milestones -- Dr. Barstow 1C 7-Apr-1965
Biography Dow Corning pioneer -- Dr. McGregor -- dies 1A 8-Apr-1965
Politics Supervisors name leaders -- Jones and Kahn 1A 12-Apr-1965
Midland Public Schools 2 Handicapped programs ok'd 1A 13-Apr-1965
Disasters Chart of Midland's past floods 1A 13-Apr-1965
Politics Supervisors announce committee members 2A 13-Apr-1965
Midland County Seek managers for County Farm 1A 14-Apr-1965
Midland Public Schools Foreign language program needs more funds 1B 14-Apr-1965
Colleges Delta pledges support to SVC 4B 14-Apr-1965
Colleges Bill proposes Saginaw Bay State College 1A 15-Apr-1965
Politics Busy committee work ahead for supervisors 2A 15-Apr-1965
Midland Public Schools Vacancy coming up on school board 8A 15-Apr-1965
Midland County What's ahead? Predictions 6A 16-Apr-1965
Coleman Comm Schools Report on Coleman school board activities 7A 17-Apr-1965
Taxation Valuation asked is $293,819,300 1A 19-Apr-1965
Taxation Set tax base 1A 20-Apr-1965
Taxation Specifications ok'd for reappraisal work 2A 20-Apr-1965
Taxation 1965 Equalization Table 4A 20-Apr-1965
Midland-Planning Comm Constructive look needed (RE: parking problems) 8A 20-Apr-1965
Economy MEDC board re-elected 1A 21-Apr-1965
Taxation  Supervisors eye automation for tax rolls 1A 21-Apr-1965
Midland County New coverage proposed for county employees 2A 21-Apr-1965
MBS Airport Secrecy shrouds commission meeting 2A 21-Apr-1965
Dow Chemical Reports sales gain earnings 1A 22-Apr-1965
Midland Midland city employees cited for service 1A 22-Apr-1965
Taxation Hike likely in county tax 1A 22-Apr-1965
Postal Service Needs cited 2A 22-Apr-1965
Taxation Re-apportionment -- Midland ready for it 1A 24-Apr-1965
Midland Public Schools Announce candidacy for city school board -- Battle and Ittner 1A 26-Apr-1965
Midland-City Council Council meeting -- pesticides and property 1A 27-Apr-1965
Biography Groening honored -- Book of Golden Deeds 1A 28-Apr-1965
Bullock Creek Schools Bullock Creeks sets bond vote 1A 28-Apr-1965